Sunday, May 6, 2012

If under 18 or squeamish: DO NOT WATCH

I am Vampire, but it is man, who is the monster. If you think me to be some crazy ultra "left wing" conspiracy theorist, then please explain this: This is what the damage looks like up close
I realize the footage is from the Vietnam war, but if you think no Iraqi children were injured in the beginning of "Dessert Storm" in 1991, research it yourself and try not to cry. This is proof,from your own government's files that declare Vietnam military striking the U.S. first and starting the Vietnam war, was a hoax.
Okay, so millions of people died because of a lie made by your government. Do you think the war in Afghanistan is any different? Do you think the "War on Terror" hasn't been trumped up, so that the American public will be comfortable with politicians ordering the military to continue this behavior? I am Vampire, I have emerged from a relatively primitive culture, but I know what deception is.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Nolen,
    I had a feeling you would enjoy this, even though you have already gotten a taste of it from Zeitgiest. This man Jordan Maxwell is one of the speakers in Zeitgiest, and he's one of my favorite speakers at the moment. Me being a lover of astrology and outer space in general, I loved the video right below.Hope you enjoy as well.
