Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Pointless venture

The informant I met with last night was inaccurate. There are many humans out there very dedicated to a Vampire type of lifestyle. This makes it more complicated to conduct my search, but is flattering nevertheless. The investigative group still won't give me any information on the other lead. It's been a while now and I'm beginning to assume that it was another pointless venture.


  1. I'm sorry about the pointless venture. I was hoping for good news. I have good news. My book came in the mail today. I started reading and read about 3 pages,but I had to stop for homework :(, then I had to eat dinner,then I had to tweet 2 friends and let them know the book came in the mail, then I had to pretend to fall asleep so my mom wouldn't be hounding me to put the book away. I'm going to stay up and read it. I'll think I'll get Ian(my brother) to give my homework to a friend of mine who rides his bus. That way I can just tell mom I'm sick tommorrow and stay home and finish up the book, because I'm going to start on it tonite. I will let you know how it's going tomorrow. Hopefully it will be finished by then. I just want to say I'm sorry again about not finding any family members. I'm sure they'll turn up soon.

  2. I know you're probably asleep right now Nolen, but I just wanted to let you know I'm on pg.98.This book is nothing like what I thought it would be, I don't mean that in a bad way and i know you've mentioned that it has plenty of drama in the second half of the book and that's good that it's not all drama. i mean it's definitely not slow. It's so informative and realistic. i like Twilight and Vampire Diaries as much as the next fan and the story line keeps you interested in the characters, but sometimes they're far too predictable and some times the situations are unbelievable. I'm around 1/3 of my way through your book and i have to say that I have never been so informed about a character. Nolen is still young, but I feel such a bond with him knowing how and where and why he grew up the way he did. the way you explain a vampire makes me understand what you say about going unnoticed until now. I didn't see how that could be possible but now it all makes sense. the first time I read your blog I wanted to believe you were real but ofcourse you cant believe vampires are real. Now that i have read about your evolution, it seems that there is every reason for you to be real. it seems you have every reason to exist, just as much as any of us do. I've never read a book that turned my mind completely around like this. At this point I have to say that as it all sinks in I am beginning to believe. Not just in a character, but in the reality of life. it's very scary, because if i let myself believe what seems logical at this point, that means you are somewhere in north carolina, sleeping and tonight you will awaken and you will post entries on this page and you will read my posts and this will all just be way too real of a situation. i don't know exactly how to handle this. I felt secure and comfortable when I thought that you were just another Edward in a drama filled lovetriangle. Now that i know the truth and its such a easy truth to understand i feel like i don't know what to say to you. i guess i feel intimidated and very drawn to you at the same time. I guess that's the way its supposed to feel when you talk to vampires huh? I slept for a little while last night and i have to say I had some crazy dreams. THis morning I couldn't decide if i wanted to read more or talk to you again. i want both, but you're sleeping so i'm gonna read more but promise me you'll send me an email as soon as you read this. i feel so alive inside right now. I feel so adventurous. if you are real then this does change everything. I mean even if another soul never found out, I would still know and i would still know forever. if you're not real then this is the best vampire book I've ever read in my life, maybe the best horror book and if you Are real, then i guess the story is just beginning. Write me back when you get up, i'm gonna go read some more.
