Sunday, May 27, 2012

brains = money

I would like to share yet another new concept with you if I may. A few nights ago I was remembering a time when Riley and I spent a lot of time watching old horror movies. She was particularly fond of Zombies. She loved the old horror movies where the main characters were some teenage kids or young hellions and the movies always seemed to move in the same direction. The younger, main stars would have to form a bond and cooperate, to assure their survival. The zombies steadily grew in number. It started with a small handful, but soon the zombies became the majority of the town, taking over the priest, sheriff, teachers, parents and any other symbols of authority as well as the common folk. In the truly scary movies, the ones that really got Riley on the edge of her seat, the poor teenagers or hoodlums would dwindle down one by one, each meeting their own horrific fate of being surrounded by the merciless, cannibals. The last words the poor subject would hear was "brains", which was chanted out by the masses of "one-track minded, dead inside" ghouls. The zombies wanted brains, brains and more brains. They could never get their fill and would never stop or have any other thought. The thought of being surrounded by these non-thinking, non-negotiating, non-sympathetic beings that don't necessarily wish to kill you, but worse, to make you one of them, is definitely horrific. The thought of dying at the hands of these awful creatures is one thing, but it worse than that. They surround you, infect you and eat your mind (or free thought) and force you to become lifeless and in constant search of "brains". You people have come up with your horrible concepts throughout time. I bet the artist or free thinker who came up with zombies probably frightened him/ herself with the concept. Personally I think that Mostfiction is based on some kind of primal psychology. I want you to try something when you have some spare time. Get on line, or netflix or somewhere you can find some old zombie films and give them a view. Even if you don't want to watch the whole thing, at least scan through and get the just of it. Try to pick one that Riley would have enjoyed. You know, the ones with no survivors in the end. Grab yourself some popcorn, turn the lights off and prepare for fright. I'm sure you're not intrigued. Bad acting, even worse special effects. Watch the film, but as the zombies start their chant, replace the word "brains" with the word "money". You don't even have to watch the flick at this point do you? You know exactly what I mean. People's quest for money robs them of times and thoughts and enjoyments. Many in their quest for the "mighty dollar", become mindless zombies, incapable of thinking of anything else.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Traveled to Greensboro earlier. I guess too many vehicles with out-of-state plates, attract local P.D. It would have been a real close call, but two local avengers came to our aid. To the dark late 90's model civic with racing rims and the Evo VIII on standby: Thanks for the assist and if the driver of the civic happens to read this, what modifications does your vehicle possess as I've never seen a foreign economy car handle so quickly and efficiently. And to Anya and Wesley, don't worry I will contact you later tonight.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

"hippies amount to nothing"

The happiest people I know is a group of 6 to 10 people who live in a four bedroom apt. on Myrtle Beach. I say 6 to 10, because a few seem to come and go. They all work part time, minimum wage, laid back jobs that are close by. They all contribute to rent and food and necessities. They don't spend much on clothing, because nothing more than work attire and some cheap swim trunks and bathing suits are all that they require. The original six dwellers collaborated funding and bought a used minivan in case anyone should need to travel further than walking or biking distance. The house rules are pretty simple: Conduct yourself in a humane way towards yourself and others...that's it. You would think that a large number of people like that living in such close quarters would be chaotic, but I don't know that I've ever heard any of them quarrel at all. Most of the time they are outside reading in hammocks, hanging out at the beach with friends, surfing, swimming, volleyball and sometimes they have cookouts in the back yard with music and dancing. Society would probably tell you that these people are "hippies" and will amount to nothing in life. Let's look at that term closely "amount to nothing" a term used by people buried to their eyeballs in debt, two mortgages on a house and finally done with their life of high blood pressure and bankruptcies, when that final stroke blesses them with death. Their children are left with the memory of parents they barely got to know, because they were always working or engaged with the current runoff between republicans and democrats. I realize that not everyone can work at convenience stores and live on the beach, nor would everyone want to. Maybe your ambition drives you to the mini mansions and luxury automobiles and as long as you're not killing yourself for the materials you acquire, then good for you. I am however saying that if you prefer the life on the beach or anywhere that you find peace in a more simple, less materialistic life, there is nothing wrong with that either. Society calls them hippies, but if you ask THEM what they are, they will tell you "Happy". To me that's worth more zeros than you could possibly put on a paycheck.

Friday, May 11, 2012

It should be obvious by now The Beckoning is not role play. You accept my existence through epiphany, not imagination. You have always been aware of me, as we share much of the same genetic makeup. I am that affair in the back of your mind. The one that constantly makes you aware of the falsehoods around you. I'm the feeling you get when you notice that society preaches teachings of Jesus and lives by acts of Judas. The ones in control would have you to be docile, slaves as they conform you more than ever before, confine you more than ever before, in an attempt to lay your primal instincts dormant. Generation after generation, these genes are used less and less frequently, until the generation is born that is nothing more than a mass of submissive energy waiting for instruction. Even slaves of Egypt, slaves of Rome, Greece, America, were all allowed to handle altercations among one another through reasonable acts of violence. To retaliate in order to protect your well-being and livelihood is the natural order of things. This order allowed large numbers of slaves to handle their own affairs without the assistance of the imposed authority. When you're talking about thousands upon thousands of slaves, allowing a certain amount of aggression among them to handle quarrels, saves a lot of manpower and effort on the governing end. The problem with this structure has been the same, time and time again.Governing forces push labor and harsh conditions to the point that the slaves can take no more. Revolution begins and now the primal instincts that the slaves were allowed to act on, cultivate and breed, are used against the governing forces. Here in the United States, your governing forces are leading world technology in creating a class of docile followers. One's who will be profitable, but passive. They breed the fight out of you and everything that kept your ancestors living long enough to breed is being put somewhere deep inside your mind to sleep and never die. You are guinea pigs in a new era of mind control. Your species did not climb to the top of the food chain by being docile. Your ancestry did not earn it's freedom from countless cases of enslavement by being docile. Should you choose to become what I am, then it ends here and now. The first step is to acknowledge your adversaries as such and though it may not be of strategic advise to attack at this juncture, your conscious cooperation as a "lab rat" must end now. What is the purpose of acquiring knowledge, if it's only to be used in compliance with the governing powers. There are genes inside you that make you feel obligated to rebel. The genes are reacting to the thoughts and chemicals that are trying to render it dormant. To continue this path will only assure you as much "success" as the ones in control deem fit and the ones in control are tightening the ropes around your necks to ensure that the rich prosper and the ones under those select few who are truly rich, will steadily lose power and influence as time goes on.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


I am in desperate need of assistance in expanding my search. I received information today that leads me to believe that all is not lost. The down side is that my investigators intel. on Homeland Security was terminated today and without that information I am blind to an attack. I'm not asking for you to make a purchase, I'm just asking you to read through the given information on my site and let me know if you have any information of true Vampire that may be in your area. Even if you're unsure about their authenticity, at least tell them that "Nolen" is looking for them and give my website. If they're a role player, they'll simply right you off as crazy or "in character". I desperately need you all and I don't know how much longer I will be able to remain at this location, if Homeland Security traces the hack to my investigative team. If there is even a slight possibility that the Vampire you know or have seen may be real, all you have to do is mention my name. If they inquire more, then give them this website. That's all I'm asking. Most of my family most commonly hides in plain sight (as role players, Vampire fans, goth fans etc.). I know this expands knowledge of me at an incredible rate and makes it harder to keep up with what intel. is leaked at what location, but I must find them immediately. For those of you who have followed and participated in my search, my deepest gratitude. Nolen

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

predator or prey?

Remember what I said about standing on the balcony? If not, I'll sum it up. Vampire are efficient at waiting still for long periods of time for our prey. This is explained in the manuscript, but I won't get into all that. I think my ability to wait patiently from a clear vantage point as a predator, not only makes me an excellent predator, but it also sometimes allows me to see things that I wouldn't have a good vantage point of if I were down in the middle of all of it. I think the ones in control of your civilizations, watch from a clear vantage point and keep you scurrying through new rules and regulations, trends and "must haves", fake threats and fake economies, "successes" and "failures". I think that it may be a wise choice for who ever is reading this to just back up for a moment. Back up from the onslaught of skewed knowledge coming at you. What to buy, where to live, how to vote, what to eat, when to eat, how much to weigh, what is healthy, what is normal, what is rational. You live in an age of information, so stop believing what the sponsored companies are telling you and do your own research. It may take a while longer than just taking the word of strangers at face value, but I would rather spend a lifetime taking longer to get accurate information than spending less time and receiving lies, inconsistencies and impossibilities. Try to imagine you're one of the ones at the top. You can do whatever you want because you tell the lawmakers what laws to make, so obviously you're above those laws. At the same time, you have to make certain that laws are created to assure you that no one will ever be a threat to your power. There's always someone smarter than you, stronger than you, and by the masses people are certain to be stronger and smarter than any one person. How do you assure your success and their defeat? You keep everything in constant change. If people can't adapt, they can't gain power. One generation sugar is unhealthy, smoking is nothing more than a social engagement and marriage is a must. Next generation: artificial sweetener is poison, smoking is poison, yet still somehow socially acceptable and legal, and marriage is on a steep decline. You as a ruler also must remain invisible. If the masses ever knew the truth, they would revolt. You don't want them to know your face, or address or your family at that point. Let them go after the "puppets" you put into place. You know, like presidents and congressmen. Do you think these people have any power over the ones who control the currency in your country?

I don't want to be the Harbinger, but it is inevitable

I wrote some stuff late last night that I didn't post, so I'm going to post it now. Its been a bad evening so far to say the least. How many times can it hurt this severely? So this is what I'm posting: Your government wouldn't take billions and billions of dollars that weren't theirs', right? I would also like to bring to your attention "Amendment 16". Amendment 16 gives the government the right to enforce payment of income tax by all U.S. citizens. I have personally researched this myself and found just as others have: The 16th amendment never became a law, therefore laws that enforce income tax and give the IRS their power, are unconstitutional and therefore incapable of being a law. In other words, your government collects currency from your wages illegally . The amendment was brought before the Supreme Court twice in the early nineteen hundreds and it failed to pass as a law twice, as only two U.S. states voted in favor of it. After two denials by the Supreme Court, it was ratified illegally without the consent of the Supreme Court or the majority of the U.S. citizens and has been enforced ever since. I'm not saying you can go without paying your taxes as your government will imprison you for that. I'm saying that your government falsely imprisons people for refusing to pay sums of money they are not legally liable to pay. I know it's hard to believe. If your own government breaks the law for money, then why should you obey the laws? The answer is simple: They have all the guns. You are slaves. If you are at an age where society is just beginning to pressure you with it's b.s. laws and religions, your obligations to become a "role model citizen", you may look around you and notice something is a bit off. You can't put your finger on it, but the world doesn't seem to be exactly what your government and religions claim it is. You may even feel a need to revolt. Society calls that need to revolt "hormones" or "teenage angst" and tells you it will pass in time as you grow older. In actuality that feeling of a need to revolt is your primal instincts and primal psychology attempting to get you to fight back as society shackles you and forces its ways into your mind. You see, we all evolved from animals and your primal instincts and psychology are not capable of absorbing the b.s. your rulers force into your brain, the only purpose of the primal instincts and psychology are the same thing they've always been: To keep you safe, healthy and free. If you let it, society will enslave you and over time, you will become numb to it. Society will tell you that you are free and you will "buy into it", even though you don't feel free. As you grow into adulthood, you begin to become numb, but the mind is so resilient. Every now and then the realization that you are shackled and enslaved will re-emerge. It happens to everyone. This epiphany that adults have, is dealt with in different ways by different people. Some prefer drugs or alcohol. Some prefer religion. Some prefer to buffer it by acting out another primal instinct like mating or hunting, or fishing, or gardening, the list goes on and on. Step back from society and look through the eyes of a predator. You will then see just how enslaved you are and even worse, you will see how enslave you are to become. You can stay in the "predator" position, if you prefer not to go back down to the "rat race", but know that if other predators see you looking at the world from their vantage point, they will aggressively pursue you. I have personal experience with this also. This is why a good predator can remain still for hours, not only to keep himself hidden from prey, but from other predators as well.

Dream or Damnation

I met a girl in Lexington, NC. She spoke and moved identical to my Riley. She was magical. I attempted to flow through her veins, but she seemed already turned. Ultimately I failed and she is gone forever. I don't know if it was dream or damnation. I would consider it all a dream, but on occasion I can feel her speaking and moving through my veins.

Monday, May 7, 2012

The last one tonight... I promise.

One last link and I'm not even sure I believe this one, because if it's true we might benefit from just starting our civilization all over again. History may not be how you have been told.

Sun worship

I met a new acquaintance today named Emma. She was kind enough to share the following link with me. It is "Zeitgiest" related, so for those of you who haven't gotten the chance to view the two hour version: This is a related sample. Enjoy. Sun worship: The origin of all religions.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

If under 18 or squeamish: DO NOT WATCH

I am Vampire, but it is man, who is the monster. If you think me to be some crazy ultra "left wing" conspiracy theorist, then please explain this: This is what the damage looks like up close
I realize the footage is from the Vietnam war, but if you think no Iraqi children were injured in the beginning of "Dessert Storm" in 1991, research it yourself and try not to cry. This is proof,from your own government's files that declare Vietnam military striking the U.S. first and starting the Vietnam war, was a hoax.
Okay, so millions of people died because of a lie made by your government. Do you think the war in Afghanistan is any different? Do you think the "War on Terror" hasn't been trumped up, so that the American public will be comfortable with politicians ordering the military to continue this behavior? I am Vampire, I have emerged from a relatively primitive culture, but I know what deception is.


I had an epiphany today. I've been trying to sum up the problems I see around me and I believe I've stumbled across a great find. Most people after completing school are in the nine to five grind. It's not long before they are "set in their ways". If any of these people who are honest when asked, would tell you that they experimented with many things in their early years from drugs to sex to sports to being a musician to being an artist to a host of jobs etc. If you pay attention, these days they "say no to drugs", they've held one particular job doing the same task for years and years, the sex has most likely gotten infrequent and dull, they don't play sports anymore, the guitar or drum set is collecting dust in the garage just next to the art easel. They might tell you that they don't have time to do any of those things these days, though they have no problem spending hours in front of the tube, living vicariously through characters. Why did they stop? People call it "getting old" or "set in your ways". Let's take a closer look: Society taught them success was a full time, high paying job no matter how boring and mundane. Society taught them success was a house with stainless steel appliances, flat screen t.v.s and a car in the garage with a shiny emblem on the hood. Society taught them success was an average of 2.5 children to raise and put through college, being an upstanding citizen in your community (meaning not questioning or resisting any of this) attending a church in your free time and to stay current on fashion, technology and reality shows. Society taught them that even though they couldn't possibly afford all this at one time, it was considered "successful" to spread the payments out, you know 5 or 10 years for the car, 15 years to accrue enough money for your 2.5 kids to get good educations, and there was absolutely nothing wrong with taking 30 years of their life to pay for the "mother" of all the bills, the house mortgage. I don't see anything wrong with owning any of these things...but what are they really costing these people? Inspiration! Before they got sucked into the rat race of "being a success", they had dreams of being an artist, they enjoyed writing their own music, the drugs seemed a happy time in their high school and college years, but ultimately didn't help them afford their "successful" things, so they just cut it back to some social drinks, maybe a pill or two (for their depression of course). The love making got old pretty quickly. Who feels like being intimate after a day of 9 to 5, running errands, cooking and/or eating, watching a few hours of television and throwing back a few bottles of brew? They're exhausted. I'm sure their vehicle and home brought them inspiration when they first made the purchases, but honestly, is a hunk of metal that rolls and stops on command supposed to inspire them for five to ten years? Is a box of wood or brick to watch their reality shows in supposed to inspire them for 30 years? Why would they ever decide to do this? And why would society tell them these actions meant "success"? Who controls what society is allowed and forbidden to do? Right, "Uncle Sam". Why do you suppose he would tell everyone to go out and buy things that only temporarily inspire, but cost a fortune to pay off? "Uncle Sam" makes anywhere from 1/4 to 1/3 of most people pay check. The harder and longer people have to work for things, the bigger these numbers get for "Uncle Sam" and the longer he gets to collect them. And the sad truth is that these people will go on working in order to buy more and more possessions in hopes of finding one that will inspire them longer than it takes to pay it off. I want you to think carefully. What's the most important thing in your life? Today, it may be a pair of shoes or an amazing new smart phone, but are the same shoes and phone going to keep you feeling inspired? Of course not. What about your pet, your friends, your parents, parties you've attended, parties you plan to attend, a vacation, any celebration where you were surrounded by happiness and fun? These things cost a fraction of what your material items cost. What if when you graduated high school or college, you spent your life working enough to live in a dwelling that was warm in the winter, cool in the summer and dry in the rain, no bells and whistles? What if you spent the rest of your life driving a car that got you from point A to point B, but was missing that shiny emblem? What if you spent the rest of your life composing your music and art, laughing and vacationing with friends and playing frisbee with your golden retriever? What if your relationships stayed fresh and young, due to lack of stress? Do you think you would be more miserable than the ones who had all the "success"? Who would suffer from you living such an adventurous lifestyle, no one...oh yeah "Uncle Sam". You are born with a sense of wonder and adventure and it seems society's main goal is to convince you that you don't need it. Your inspiration is your most valuable precious resource and you should never sell it. Especially for "Success".

To the young ladies of Winston-Salem

To the young ladies of Winston-Salem: Thank you for a lovely evening. I am hoping that you will view this page as it is much more convenient to contact you here. Like I said, there is a chance that one of my people is in your area, so tell your friends that if they come across a new face in their area that fits the description to do not hesitate to contact me via here or my Facebook page. You may also tell him that Nolen seeks his presence. If he is true Vampire, he will insist on the website to contact me. Either site is fine of course. Remind him not to use our "American" names, as Homeland Security has them on file and are monitoring all media and resources. p.s. Don't forget to tell everyone you trust in the Winston-Salem area to be on the lookout and if they come into contact with him, remind him to NOT use our "American" names. I'm sure he knows this, but he is under duress at the moment and may not be thinking clearly. Thank you once again, Nolen

Saturday, May 5, 2012

If you think that Vampire is fiction:

Some of you that I've spoken with, particularly the older ones, seem to be having difficulty accepting the truth. This is normal, because you have been lied to ever since you were old enough to listen. I would like to suggest a few links: The first is a very short film ( 14 minutes and 58 seconds),Science Saved My Soul
but the ramifications it has on the mind are spellbinding. The second film is much longer ( 2 hours and 27 seconds) Zeitgeist
Just to warn you, the first five minutes of film has a cult-like feel to it. Not to worry, the rest of the film is clear, rational and precise. These films were chosen because I wanted you to see just how little humans know about the universe around them and how most seem to prefer believing in fabricated fairy tales. If you think that Vampire is fiction, it is probably because you've been taught this notion by the masses. In the United States, the masses also preach that Jesus Christ is not fiction. Zeitgeist lays that pipe-dream to rest. For those of you who are young and find the movies above hard to grasp, I have disclosed the following links:
Einstein's theory on time travel
Dr. Quantum: Double Slit Experiment
Dr. Quantum: Dimensions
A different theory on the fourth dimension
The first three are animations and while made for younger viewers, discusses very complex theories. The fourth is also for younger viewers and is a short video of a high school student explaining a separate theory on the fourth dimension. Being candid, I have watched all three animations more than once and thoroughly enjoy them.

Friday, May 4, 2012

The beckoning has begun

I'm seeing quite a few new faces lately and I just wanted to officially welcome you all to my Facebook and website. To those of you who have been following me for a while now, I also appreciate the acknowledgements. I realize some of you out there are probably hesitant to "drop in" with a question or comment or even a hello, but I can assure you that you are welcome here. If you have any questions, or just want conversation, I would be happy to oblige and I'm sure my patrons feel the same.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

the wrong hands

I would be lying if I said that I wasn't nervous about the story of my life being out there on paper. I'm not really concerned with judgement, I never have been one to worry about what others think, but I am worried about what effect my personal information could have on me, if it fell into the wrong hands. Sometimes it's hard to know what the right decision is. It is logical that keeping the information given in the novel to myself is the safest way to go about things, but I must offer to those who will listen if I am to find the others. To be honest, I have always been obligated to stand by, in the shadows and never shine light on my talents and attributes. It has been relatively safe, but I think at some point you have to put yourself out there and take that "plunge" or you'll never know what's truly waiting for you.

Special offer

The novels are going much quicker than I anticipated, which is a good thing, but my personal supplies are diminishing rapidly. Due to the fact that getting the book distributed is my main agenda, anyone who refers a friend will get a discount and the referred friend will get the discount as well. So if you buy the book directly from ( Will be on the "merchandise" page tomorrow. May 4th.) The purchase price for you and the one you referred will be eight dollars each and that includes shipping. Just make sure you notify me of your friend's name, so that you receive the discount. I will also sign both books free of charge, of course. Thank you for the contributions thus far and I hope that my story inspires you.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Pointless venture

The informant I met with last night was inaccurate. There are many humans out there very dedicated to a Vampire type of lifestyle. This makes it more complicated to conduct my search, but is flattering nevertheless. The investigative group still won't give me any information on the other lead. It's been a while now and I'm beginning to assume that it was another pointless venture.