I've spent the last couple of weeks trying to decide in which direction to take my blog. I'm still not sure what I have to say to those of you who are currently following and especially those who are just beginning to log on. I suppose since I am still unsure, no format is yet needed, therefore I will spill my thoughts as they manifest.
I declared backing the "occupy" movement in my last entry. I also mentioned that I was unsure of their direction, but I would rather take my chances with new leadership than try and coexist with the current tyranny. I would just like to add that I think the idea of a "leaderless" organization may be a brilliant idea indeed.
Thousands of years ago when my people were hidden into the Earth, there were already civilizations, kings, gods etc. and thus I believe "man" had already started his decline. Look at it this way: Darwin believed that all living things evolved from a single life form. If this is true then it stands to reason that life has existed on this planet through many difficulties by exploring new resources and sharing their strengths with one another. The fast agile female lion will do most of the chasing down of wild gazelles while the more massive and stronger male will protect the den from predators. Animals of a same species will use their strengths in harmony to assure it's existence throughout time.
Before man had mastered becoming the top of the food chain and wandered the lands as groups of nomads, he had already taken his first step toward his own demise. Man has always had wonder and unanswered questions, so it was inevitable that sooner or later someone would claim to have answers. The world had its first witch-doctors and priests and shamans. Men who claimed to have a higher knowledge or understanding of the world, usually through a fabricated god or spirit of some kind. The motive for someone to claim to have these abilities was simple: if what you have is in high demand, you have the ability to trade it to the followers and believers for various necessities or wants.
As time went on and man learned to raise game and livestock as well as cultivate plants, civilization became a reality and now not only was there an ever-growing need for answers, but also those who claimed to answer to a higher power could market their talent to an even bigger audience as people became more established. Many civilizations have flourished and profited from this common way of things, but every dynasty of man has also fallen sooner or later and possibly from the same structure flaw.
I believe the problem is this: Since the beginning of civilization, man has always used a "pyramid" type structure of power or rule. For example a god or gods at the top of the pyramid with a king or shaman just below the leaders appoint special positions to friends or family, slaves at the very bottom and everyone else in between. My point being that while man is the only "civilized" species on the planet he is also the only species to use the "pyramid" order of rule and I believe that when you take a broad group of a species and force them to collect all their resources and use all their strengths for the good of only a small number of leaders at the top, you sacrifice much of the knowledge, creativity and genetic excellence of the majority and thus you hinder the production and progress of your species.
My people are just as much to blame as yours. To say its possible to reverse civilization is ludicrous, but I have faith that through intelligence and wisdom, the majority is beginning to understand this flaw, and hopefully through the same intelligence and wisdom, answers will emerge.
In your own opinion, do you think religion is good for people?
ReplyDeleteI've been thinking about this for a while now, and I wanted opinions from others before I formed my own opinion.