Sunday, September 30, 2012
Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll
Sex: No matter what trends come and go, no matter what the politicians, priests and parents tell you, sex will always be a priority. Scientists rank it as #2, just behind self preservation. Religions can tell you it's good or bad, government can control it or liberate it, parents can condone it or forbid it...all in all, you're still going to have sex. It is the primal urge that supersedes anything that anyone could ever teach you. It is the "animal" in us that refuses to die.
Drugs: The drugs referred to in the phrase "sex, drugs and rock and roll are considered "recreational drugs". Most of them have had some sort of "healing" qualities in the past and have been part of medical practice. These days many of them are banned or illegal and usually taken in larger quantities than prescribed by doctors. There are countless numbers of narcotics, with countless effects, but they all seem to alter your perception of your environment, if taken in particular doses. They all seem to affect how you react to your environment. You "think differently". To be under the influence of recreational narcotics, is not considered "mainstream". Your thoughts and actions and influence, is not "mainstream".
Rock and Roll: At the time that the phrase "sex, drugs and rock and roll" came to be used, rock and roll was a term used to describe any non-secular type music that encourage any form of non-conformity. Today's genre's would also include much of hip-hop, rock and roll, of course, heavy metal, alternative and many other forms of music that promote turning your speakers full volume and "losing yourself" in the music, or promoting a non-conformist attitude.
Religious leaders have condemned sex, drugs and rock and roll at one time or another. Usually relating the acts to evil and violence. I find this to be disturbing, when more people have committed genocide, murder, rape and torture of others, in the name of religion than sex, drugs and rock and roll together. You can add in hip-hop, heavy metal and all the others if you wish and religion still wins by a long shot. If you would like you can throw in sex and drugs also...religion still wins.
This brings me to the scientific conclusion that it may be safer and surely more humane to "go along with" sex, drugs and/ or rock and roll, and leave religion for conformist, delusional, genocidal, maniacs...or the general public, as you may call them.
Friday, September 28, 2012
The treeline
I grasp at ideas, like sparks of light that float above a bonfire. I hold them tightly, desperately, in hopes of finding a solution. I feel their energy surge through me in a flicker of hope. I watch them turn to ash, as I realize it's only another futile concept.
My mind is coming unraveled without her. In the beginning I wasn't sure how long I could resist confrontation with them. Now I'm not sure that I want to resist. Perhaps I would rather insist on confrontation, on conflict, on carnage.
As I fed earlier tonight, I decided to continue my hunt on other prey. Not necessarily to feed, as I was filled from my first kill of the evening. I hunted and tracked, just for kill. I spotted my prey sitting about a hundred yards off. As I slowly moved in, I thought about the ones who attacked Derek a while ago. I thought about the ones at the airstrip. I stopped about thirty yards out from the unsuspecting victim and let my anger surge through my veins, letting out a thunderous roar.
The "soon to be victim" peered up and fixed his gaze directly on me. He seemed to be contemplating or waiting further action on my part. As I clinched my fists and contorted into a "launching" position, like a runner at the starting line, my prey shook from his gaze. He quickly darted toward the nearest treeline. The ground shook beneath me as I took my first strides. As the adrenaline began pounding into my temples, I accelerated further. I was closing in quickly.
The exhausted prey running off pure adrenaline, slowly decelerated and quickly glanced back at his attacker. He was several feet from the treeline. Once inside, he could hide in one of countless places. How close he had come to being my sacrifice.
He had underestimated me. As he glanced back at me, I leaped forward. He had just enough time to resume his position toward the treeline, before my fingertips came from behind and grasped his fragile throat. I squeezed as my body's momentum brought me ever-closer to him. I squeezed harder still as my salivating fangs, made themselves known to his flesh. Both our hearts beat infinite times in that moment, as my gums and my tongue and the roof of my palate, felt his warm vitality flow forth. I gripped him tighter as his body twisted and jerked in an attempt to flee. My right forefinger tore through the side of his spine as I grasped and bit and tore in a rage and fit of adrenaline, anger and testosterone.
Just beyond the treeline, his female and offspring, watched in horror. I had caught a glimpse of them all, just before making contact with the "now deceased". As I stood feeding off his twitching carcass, I expected my humanity to over-ride my crazed fit and deliver unmeasurable remorse...but nothing. The flow of testosterone weakened into waves and as they came and went, I felt no remorse, no regret, only hungrier for more.
I viewed the family, frozen in petrification. I looked each of them in the eye, then while viewing them all and having their paternal figure limp in my teeth, I let out a low grumble. The family shot through the forest and into the darkness.
This was the first time in a while, I hadn't felt like "the victim". I felt powerful...not because I had made the kill, but because I wasn't running. I wasn't hiding. I was the aggressor...the harbinger.
Was this going to make me feel better about what happened at the airstrip...NO! ...But it might be a step in the right direction.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
The lost symbiosis between man-kind and Vampire
Not an eventful weekend. As I watch tonight, I do not know if it is evidence of solace that I seek or evidence to the contrary. I no longer feel empathy for the society I once aspired to join. There will never again be a symbiosis between man-kind and Vampire. A resolution will soon come to must.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Restraint does not become me
I arise this evening jaded with thoughts of vengeance. I watch atop my favorite balcony, jaded with thoughts of vengeance. I gnash my teeth in disgust and rage at the thought of what I've lost to the insecurities of man. I don't believe all of you to be this way, but like others before me, I feel backed into a corner...tortured. It is easy to stereotype, when you view nothing but scattered, hurried illusion of progress.
If I were to act on impulse, it would mean a great awakening for mankind, as I smashed the illusion that man is at the top of the food chain...the evolutionary ladder. I watch day after day, the mundane bustling of everyone going nowhere. Like ants who scatter. I would be a candle that someone has ignited and planted atop the mound. The ants scurry out, one by one, ascending the candle to attack the flame...and one by one, meeting their demise. Their attack is ill-thought and of haste and panic. It is futile.
I wear the Great Phoenix upon my palm. I am a warrior...a harbinger of death. As the nights pass, I see less and less logic in restraint. Should I not react to the vile disregard that I was given? Do I not reign supreme over the ones who partake in the search for my kind? Am I not Vampire?
I have instructed a small group of the militia, to seek out locations of various "violators of the peace", between man and Vampire. I have sought answers from Derek about the airstrip and the operation that was carried out that night. I will have my vengeance.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
It's not okay
Another lonely night. Derek has gone and the militia men, constantly scout throughout the night in shifts, in order to further expand a safe perimeter. The men tell me that revolt is inevitable. If they had spoken to me before the happening at the airstrip about such things, I would have passed them off as paranoid, conspiracy theorists.
I can no longer view them in this manner, for I have seen the inhumanity of soldiers and agents. I have seen the callousness of politicians and other officials. It seems as if man, and this country in particular, is hell-bent on waging war with others. The wars are not fought over rights of men, women and children. The wars are not fought over rights to medicines and nourishment. The wars are over greed, pride and lust to be the most dominant.
The ones in charge, indoctrinate segregation to anyone who does not dress like you, talk like you, believe in your beliefs. You are taught that if they're not like you, their intentions must be evil, negative or violent. You suffer from over-exposure to the idea that it's okay to commit violent acts, murder and even genocide, to those who are different.
Bombs light up the night sky in villages. Defenses are smashed, businesses are smashed, churches are smashed, schools are smashed, homes are smashed. Father's hold their wives and tell them "it will be okay". Wives hold their crying children and tell them "it will be okay".
Hours go bye and bombs light up the night sky. Dead children are held by their mothers. Dead mothers are held by their dead husbands. It's not okay.
What happened on that airstrip, was inspired by greed, pride and lust to be the most dominant. The ones who gave the orders, have the nerve to portray me as a monster. Do they even know what I am, what they are, what we could learn from one another? I don't want to hate them, but nothing else makes sense. I think deep down, I've always known what they stood for. I THOUGHT I knew what I stood for. I don't know anymore. I try and remain logical about all this, but my emotions run and my thoughts become discombobulated. I hope I find new answers and reason. If not, I look at man through jaded eyes forevermore.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
You are beckoned! Now, show me Harbinger!
December 12, 2012 approaches. I expect all of my followers to do what they can to assist in "Operation Mayhem". Now is the time to show your dedication.
What everyone MUST realize
Do your part! Show me Vampire
CNN acknowledges the power of intelligence and information
Stop the Ukraine
Our beloved leaders
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Role Call !!!
For those who are open-minded and want more from this one chance at life: You’re going to have to step back, look at ALL of it objectively and IMMEDIATELY DROP all the b.s., no matter how many people say it’s accurate. Until then, you are doing no good for yourself or anyone else.
I don't claim to know all the answers, but I will say that it seems society is not what it claims. Evidence appears to point to the contrary. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe Jesus loves everyone, the government is doing all it can to make our lives easier from one generation to the next, maybe religions, laws, parents' rules and regulations should all be followed to the "T", without any question or objective perception. Maybe we should all be striving to encompass ourselves in a cubical that affords us a thirty year mortgage on a house that will become our "prison away from work" and the latest million and a half dollar super-car that we'll be sure to look like pompous, materialistic pricks driving. Let's throw some spinning rims and fine jewelry on the Mastercard, just to make sure we're so far in the hole we've dug for ourselves, we can't even see the surface any longer, so we don't even know which way to begin climbing.
This is the "American Dream". Society will tell you that it brings happiness. Society will tell you that you should constantly strive for it. The harder you work, the more money you're taxed. The more expensive the items you purchase, the more you are taxed. Should you stand back and take a long hard look at the society we live in? Should you refuse to live this way if you don't see it giving you happiness? Should you revolt, if you are forced to play a part in this broken society? Religious leaders will tell you "No! Do not revolt. Turn the other cheek. Be passive. Pray into the air that you get a 'better hand' the next time around." Government officials (From the president to the mayors, teachers and cops) will say "No! Do not revolt. You should strive to be a law abiding citizen." Parents will tell you "No! Don't revolt. You should strive to own fine homes, automobiles, etc." Okay, let's assume that your parents love you and even if the governments and religions have hidden agendas, your parents wouldn't sacrifice your happiness to benefit society...unless they didn't know. Your parents and grandparents were preached to about "honor" and "moral just" and "defending our god given rights", then sent into Vietnam to "defend our christian nation". We now know that the Vietnam War was a hoax. The North Vietnamese did not fire on us and start the war. This was a sham concocted by the government. We now live in an age of information and we are learning more and more about the ruthless untruths and disregard for human life practiced by our government.
American soldiers were "defending our GOD GIVEN freedom"
Great works of our society
I guess Jesus doesn't care for Vietnamese babies. Uncle Sam obviously doesn't
Religion and our "God given freedom", has been used to conduct the most vicious act of genocide in history.
"TOTAL: When I take all the individual death tolls listed here, weed out the duplicates, fill in the blanks, apply Occam ("Pluralitas non est ponenda sine necessitate"), etc. I get a very rough total of 1½ M deaths in the Crusades." This quote is taken from
Death count, due to christian crusades
If anyone wishes to debate my findings, you are invited to chime in with whatever reply you wish. I only ask that you provide sources to back up your claims and/ or reasoning behind them. No bible versus please, as I have read the King James edition, as well as the NIV and find no documented proof to back any versus that condone the behavior we've witnessed from christianity throughout the ages. I maintain my position that religion and society are "hand in hand" in the undoing of humanity and human nature. To all those opposed: I look forward to your findings.
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As soon as Christianity was legal (315), more and more pagan temples were destroyed by Christian mob. Pagan priests were killed.
Between 315 and 6th century thousands of pagan believers were slain.
Examples of destroyed Temples: the Sanctuary of Aesculap in Aegaea, the Temple of Aphrodite in Golgatha, Aphaka in Lebanon, the Heliopolis.
Christian priests such as Mark of Arethusa or Cyrill of Heliopolis were famous as "temple destroyer." [DA468]
Pagan services became punishable by death in 356. [DA468]
Christian Emperor Theodosius (408-450) even had children executed, because they had been playing with remains of pagan statues. [DA469]
According to Christian chroniclers he "followed meticulously all Christian teachings..."
In 6th century pagans were declared void of all rights.
In the early fourth century the philosopher Sopatros was executed on demand of Christian authorities. [DA466]
The world famous female philosopher Hypatia of Alexandria was torn to pieces with glass fragments by a hysterical Christian mob led by a Christian minister named Peter, in a church, in 415.
-taken from
I would advise minors and the weak of stomach, not to watch the following:
This is similar to the witchcraft trials you may have learned about in school. Our society stems from such actions.
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Harbinger soon rears it's ugly head
I watch in disgust as my adversaries execute their plans:
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